Why Having an Opinion About Everything Reduces Your Power

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If we have an opinion about everything, then our overall power in the world is actually reduced.

Which is interesting because there's a lot of pressure these days to have an opinion about everything.

If there's a war going on, if there's some kind of news cycle that hits that moves the political activists or the social justice warriors

If there's something going on that we're told we should care about, then a lot of people feel as if they have to make their voice known about it or that they have to feel strongly and have a charge around the situation.

And it's very interesting because that in and of itself actually reduces your ability to make an actual impact in the world.


Each of us comes here with a certain set of gifts and those gifts then also get either amplified or have the volume tuned down based off of what we end up learning and practicing and experiencing in life.

So even though we have gifts that are innate to us that are going to be the places of least resistance that we can

work with to exert the most amount of effective and efficient power in the world that power does get impacted by what we do with life so a person who shows up and has an opinion about everything doesn't really understand where their power is because just because there's a war going on for example right now

and you see a bunch of people jumping on social media or on their platforms whatever the case may be and shouting out what they think about said war and getting really worked up about it doesn't actually mean that they're making any significant impact in fact a lot of these people don't know what they're talking about at all and this is important to keep in mind that just because you have an opinion it doesn't mean that it's a useful opinion

or an informed opinion or an opinion that has actual power.

Because a lot of people don't know anything about foreign policy, about warfare, about the different ways that economic and geographical and political parties come together in this overall dynamic that leads to war.

We don't know what's going on on the back end.

We don't really understand the deeper dynamics of it.

War and

All of these factors that go into this type of event are not something that most people actually study, are not something that most people actually really know anything truly about.

They have a few news cycles, maybe a few people that they pay attention to and then they learn a little bit about what's making it to the public and then suddenly they feel like they have an opinion that's of value.

But what ends up happening is that you end up using all of this energy, all of this

Available energy at your disposal in a way that doesn't accomplish anything and that actually is not in alignment with what you really can do in the world.

So again, each of us comes here with a set of gifts and then we either amplify those gifts or we tune them down with what we practice with what we experience with what we end up learning.


The real question is where is your power and what can you actually do?

What did you come here to do and what have you cultivated?

Where is your true expertise?

What is the arena that you can actually express your power in effectively and efficiently?

It is these types of arenas, the ones that are in alignment with both our gifts and the ones where we have cultivated true expertise, that we have true power.

And power is a word that brings up a lot for people.

I was just talking to somebody the other day at an ecstatic dance, and I said something about power, and they're like, oh, that power, that power word.

Suddenly, I think I have to do trauma work.

And they were kind of joking, but also not.

And it's funny because power is something we have to get comfortable with if we're wanting to pursue destiny because destiny is a path of power.

Fate is not necessarily so.

Fate are the constricting circumstances, the circumstances that limit us and that tie us down and that restrict our movement and that we have to contend with whether we want to or not.

Destiny emerges out of a conscious engagement with fate.

And inside of the process of getting out of faith, getting out of these limiting circumstances or moving through the limiting circumstances, we find the threat of destiny.

And in order to do that, we have to learn to exert power.

And the interesting thing about limiting circumstances is that they teach us where our power is.

Because a person who, for example, might have a lot of health challenges and then has to learn a lot about health

and does so in a way that is in alignment with their gifts develops a type of power in the world where they can affect health as a domain, as an area of existence.

So power is something we have to get used to and the less that we are recognizing the true power that we hold by wasting all of our energy on all of these different events that are happening in the world that

Our opinion does not aid in any way the less we are actually doing what we are here to do and the less good emerges out of it.


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