The primary areas that are explored in this book:

  • A broad, yet inclusive, look at ancestry that goes beyond our individual family lines, and even extends beyond humans. From here, we will look into the archetypal ancestors, and will place them into a relationship with the multi-billion-year history of life on this planet and beyond. From there, we draw out useful practices relevant to being a 21st-century Homo sapiens.

  • We will touch upon our relationship to movement, and that will open the door to primal and ancestral movement forms. We will also discuss how we might play and dance with these ideas in our own lives.

  • Then, we will chew on and look at the human condition through the lens of food, ancestral nutrition, and how one might go about being a modern hunter-gatherer.

  • Finally, we saunter into the smoky and shadowy domain of animism, technologies of consciousness, ancestral veneration, and our relationship with the dead.

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