Creating Culture One Person at a Time

Greetings on the path fellow traveler…

If you feel resonance with The Ancestral Now, chances are you feel an underlying call to reconnect with wildness, primality, and ancestral forces.

More than that, you feel the rumblings of a deep purpose inside you, that wants to be given to others.

More than that, you likely feel a pull towards magic, spirits, ecological relations, animacy, and the beating heart of the world itself.

I feel you. Me too…

As I myself have done work to rediscover these elements in my own life, I came to the understanding that we cannot wear the outer shell of contemporary culture and engage with these ways of being.

Thus at the Heart of the Ancestral Now, is a re-culturing effort. One that each person is asked to do, until a larger critical mass occurs. The skills, practices, and perspectives are really about the creation of a new culture connected to Ancestral wisdoms but occurring in modern times. If we want our lives to deeply change, the culture each of us lives within, must also change.

Each of us not only represents a vast ecology of personal forces (the individual), but we are also nodes for the ecologies in which we are rooted and grow within (culture). Culture in turn has its own taproot (mythos).

The mythos of modern culture are failing people, it’s time to call in a different culture…

Many of us in today’s world feel lost, akin to a buoy in the ocean or a leaf in the wind, facing down an uncertain future…all while knowing deep within that we have the power to alter not just our lives, but the broader collective. If we only knew how.

The modern world would have us believe that every challenge we face, lives between our own individual heads, yet it does this to turn our attention from the fact that many of our personal difficulties are collective, ‘but’ anchored in each person like an enchantment or spell.

This spell works a lot like a ‘binding’, for it keeps you trapped in the idea that everything is your responsibility, for if every problem you face is yours, and squarely on your shoulders alone, you are left with an insurmountable position.

What is closer to the truth…

Is that the more you can anchor into what is actually yours to do, and offer it to the collective the more power, love, and soul you get access to, for your local world and life story hold your connection to the whole.

The Modern World Seems Designed To Sever You From The Very Things That Make You Human:

The diseases of civilization, ancestral disconnect, depression, a looming sense of isolation, existential numbness, and a nagging sense of purposelessness do not just ‘belong’ to you. Yes, there are often individual aspects to these states to be sure, but they also result from a broader pattern that is not solely your own.

They are cultural byproducts. Built-in

This culture would have you live as an isolated island divorced from the deep ancestral currents that came before you, in a universe with no magic, in sick bodies divorced from the breathing cosmos, selling your life in a marketplace meant to devour your sense of authentic contribution. No thanks.

‘Rebellion and Responsibility’

I am fond of saying that to ‘rebel is to respond’.

+Rebellion: An uprising and dissent from the bindings as they show up in our individual lives and collective mythos. A counter-cultural movement towards a life of greater depth. For depth in today’s world is a rebellion.

+Responsibility: Many people fear the word responsibility, but it literally means the ‘ability to respond’. In this way, we cultivate the ability to respond to the call life is sending us. It is also about taking responsibility for what is yours to do.

Many of the challenges emerging in your life, carry with them mythological, cultural, collective, and transpersonal themes.

Yet…we cannot relinquish personal responsibility to the collective, expecting it to change without ourselves taking action. The change we seek requires deeply embodying the shift itself, allowing each body, each life, and each soul to be a transmitter to the rest.

I have come to recognize that this is something that can be utterly difficult, if not impossible to do alone. This is why I offer one-on-one work. If it were not for my teachers, lovers, friends, Ancestors, and spiritual allies, I do not think I would have survived some of the most difficult circumstances I have faced or currently do the work I do.

Through my iteration of challenges and blessings, I have been able to gather a particular kind of fruit, which expresses itself across a ‘triune’ of threads:

The Living Ancestor: A deep connection to a supportive ancestral line, and the innate capacities we have inherited over eons of time. Modernity does not make room for your ancestors, your wildness, or your primality.

The Daimonic Body: A vital body that is both sensitive to subtle spiritual currents and capable of raw animalistic intelligence. A body that is deeply human, and capable of holding that which is beyond human.

The Golden Thread: An intrinsically powered sense of purpose, anchored in the extrinsic reality of your life story. These are the hands that give the gifts of your heart to the great whole. A living destiny…

The 21st Century is a pivotal time, where the call for each person to move to the ‘edge of life’ to rediscover their unique thread with which to weave into the unfolding of the current story is louder than ever.

How do we heed the call?

By leaning into what lights us up, what speaks to our love, what challenges us, what ails us, what engages us, what moves us toward action, what breaks our hearts, and what makes our hearts come alive. As we lean into this as individuals, while keeping the collective context in our hearts, paradoxically, the reward follows.

Let your fully lived life be a gift and offering to the whole.

This is how we create and become a part of a culture of Ancestrally empowered, vital, and purposeful humans capable of calling in a more auspicious 21st-century

What Is This?

One-on-one sessions that are focused on catalytic conversation, teaching, skill acquisition, and troubleshooting around your unique challenges, and the calls you are being asked to heed. We seek out the practices or perspective shifts that allow you to cultivate the fruit your life can offer.

These are relational sessions, addressing your challenges, or anchoring in blessings, as they arise, meaning that our conversations can be (and often are) catalytic in their own right.

We can talk, explore, go deep, contextualize, and discover what shifts you can make to inhabit a more auspicious world, at the local and collective level.

What Do You Get From This?

+75 Minute Zoom Calls

+Suggestions for Practice or Guidance On Existing Practices

+Perceptual Remodeling and Story Shifting Being Called For By The Work Itself (through conversation)

+A Recording of The Call (if desired)

+The Great Feeling That Comes from Giving To Those In Need (see below in ‘Cost’)

I can help you with:

  • Go deeper into ancestral veneration and the lineage repair process, whether that is something you are already doing on your own, or that you are learning from my materials. If you are running into trouble or disruptive spirits, we can discuss mediating factors and potential solutions.

  • If you want to know how to expand your relationship with the Ancestors or want to learn more advanced methods of working magic with them, I can help.

  • Awaken a deeper sense of primality and wildness in the context of the 21st century. What this means, and the practical ways we can do this.

  • Explore your relationship to the land, and grow a deeper sense of geomantic animacy.

  • Building more harmonious spirit relationships in your local area. This includes spirits of the land, spirits of home, and guiding spirits that work with you.

  • Understand and embody animist principles your everyday life, opening up a deeper sense of the ‘living cosmos’ our ancestors experienced. This is deeply rewarding, rich, and enlivening.

  • Get a better handle on practical enchantments and magical strategy for those wanting to apply magic, and are unsure about how, why, or where to apply it. Get personal instruction on guardianship practices, and crafting enchantments to manifest particular outcomes. This is about deploying real magic for real results.

  • Contextualize, apply, and refine practices centered around health into a larger ongoing healing or cultivation process, orientated towards becoming more integrated and whole, while providing a map for letting those new levels of vitality spill out in service.

  • How to establish a movement practice, diet, or set of lifestyle patterns influenced by ancestral principles.

  • Apply The House of Vitality materials to your own life, to help you in your cultivation of male hormones and increase your testosterone levels.

  • Refine your energetic practices. We can troubleshoot, create clarity, and go deeper, while you receive direct transmission. We can also contextualize disturbing or unusual energetic phenomena.

  • Apply the Shapeshifting Stories methodology to your life. We can explore a tactical and strategic approach based on your challenges, or we can refine your understanding of the principles required to make it work.

  • Get a better handle on practical enchantments and magical strategy for those wanting to apply magic, and are unsure about how, why, or where to apply it. Get personal instruction on guardianship practices, and crafting enchantments to manifest particular outcomes. This is about deploying real magic for real results.

  • +If you have collected many practices but feel you lack an underlying architecture that really gets everything “clicking”, if your practices feel stagnant, or if you just cannot seem to move past certain persistent patterns, I got you.

  • +Explore the arena of Fate & Destiny, helping you discover why you came here into this life. At the moment, this requires purchasing a few books, studying, and engaging in ongoing dialog together, while I give your prompts, offer insight, and help direct your unfolding process.

  • +Help you discover your hidden talents, gifts, and the unique purpose for which you were born. Then, once you have that, what to actually do with it.

If you are unsure about what you require help with, no worries, I got you! Your side of this is to show up, and mine is to help guide you.

What This is Not

For one, this is not medical care. I cannot diagnose or specifically treat a disease. Nothing we talk about, including food or supplements, will be prescriptions for you; more so, they will be suggestions backed by reasoning. I do work with a few doctors that I can refer to if needed.

This is not for people who are not willing to do what is required, and/or expect magic to occur without having to actually craft the spell, so to speak. Yet, I will make it as easy for you as possible to take the actions.

Cost and payment has two aspects: compensation and paying it forward.

  1. For every payment you make to me, I will donate 10% to a charity for indigenous peoples around the world in need of assistance or Charity Water, which provides water for Africans. This is something I manage on my end.

  2. In kind, I ask that you also give some kind of donation (can be small, as in $1 or large…totally up to you), to a charity of your choice as well. If you have one in mind, that is great, or if you need to locate one, you can go here, or I can suggest one.

Send me a message to say “Hey, I would love this”. This will get the ball rolling! If you have questions, email me or reach out by telegram, and I would be happy to answer them. We can have an actual human conversation (and not a discovery call) beforehand if you wish, but I trust that if you feel deeply called to this, you are a good fit for what I do. If the form works..then there are spots available.