A Members Only Podcast for Subscribers of The Bones of The Deep

Going Deeper Into Multi-Directionality

One of the core elements that I'm doing my best to transmit in the article on multi-directionality is that human beings are by their very nature a kinesthetic sensing system, meaning that we orientate in the world…

Going Deeper Into The Great Backlog of Trauma

As a being, as an organism, as a system, has parts of you that are resonating out of time, out of the present moment, so to speak, that is happening now, and that are caught in these endless loops or these endless cycles, reliving that phenomenon up until that point…

Going Deeper Into The Bioenergetic Big Three, Yin/Yang & The Tender/Aggressive Charge

It's really important to understand that the legs form the root system of your whole overall energetic being and that without strong legs it is very difficult to have a strong energetic body…

An Alternative Model to The 'Contemporary' Shamanic Notion of Soul Loss

Why the idea of 'soul loss and retrieval' is likely inaccurate, and what is probably happening instead. ...

A Simple But Powerful Exercise for Deepening Your Primordial Alchemy Practice

When people begin working with an internal alchemy system or qigong, and this includes primordial alchemy, it's often easier to begin with projective, emanating, and or what we might call yang methods…

'Sitting and Forgetting' for Jing, Physicality and Deep Rest

A classical meditation for 'truly feeling' the body...

The Three Centers (Head, Heart, Belly) In The Decision Making Process

How each orientates, and what to do when they disagree + How our different 'personality parts' intersect with these centers.

Identifying Ancestral Voices + What To Do About Them

Do you always 'have' to do what they say?

3 Methods for Working with The Primary Triune and Ancestral Shrines

Deepening The Practice…

A Vow of Accountability and Devotion with The Ancestors

A form of ancestral magic for when you are 'truly' ready to change...

Information Flow is Not Just Intellectual and Symbolic

And yet, much of the modern world would have you believe it is…

Body-Emotions-Mind-Spirit: What Happens When We Get Stuck in One?

Many of our 'persistent problems' emerge from places we ignore or cannot notice..