What Is Destiny?

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As fate would have it, I was actually born into a magical tradition with its roots in Africa.

And when you get initiated into this tradition, you're given a very long form divination that is meant to give you a set of perspectives about how to relate to the tradition, how to actually conduct your life in order to create auspicious circumstances, and what roads and or taboos to avoid

So that you don't lead yourself down a self-destructive path.

And a lot of people who get into this tradition, they want this divination.

It's actually really useful and can be really helpful.

And I've seen lives transformed because of having these types of divinations done for you.

The thing about it, though, is that I was initiated into this tradition when I was just an infant.

It's something that doesn't happen very often.

And because I grew up with it, and also because my family, as well-meaning as they were, did not handle some of the information in that divination with maturity and care, I grew up feeling trapped.

I grew up feeling like this divination was a chain, a set of circumstances that I could not escape, that I was locked into, that no matter what I did was going to end up a certain way.

And so while this is in no way a criticism of the tradition, I was not given something that felt life-giving.

I was not given something that felt life-affirming.

More so, I was given something that felt like a curse.

And I have spent so much of my life trying to understand the nature of fate, of destiny, of what is predetermined and what is not predetermined, about what's going to be in our story regardless of what we do, 

versus what we say and do and how that changes how our story turns out.

In a lot of ways, this idea of fate versus destiny actually has formed a core wound for me.

And it is in this wound that I have been able to discover so much gold and so many of my gifts.

It has given me a set of challenges that has helped me to really try to orientate towards choice and freedom.

and the ability to actually have a say in what our life ends up becoming.

So that's what I want to help you grasp today is a core idea and that idea is what is destiny?

And so first and foremost, what I've come to understand is that destiny is not a predetermined state.

Destiny is not something that is an actual destination.

Destiny is not a place that we end up reaching at some point.

and can just say we have arrived and then we can sit on our laurels and just let it ride.

It doesn't work that way.

Destiny is an ongoing, continuous process of cultivation.

It's a verb and it requires your conscious, active participation.

And that notion of being a conscious, active participant is at the core of what destiny actually is.

The predetermination is actually fate.

Fate is mechanical.

Fate is robotic.

Fate is a set of circumstances that if you look at and map across a story arc, you can predictably see where this story arc is going to lead.

It's kind of like every single rom-com out there or every single action movie out there.

We all know how the story is going to go.

And so the same is true for fate.

Fate turns out in a lot of ways in a manner you would expect.

Whereas destiny is unpredictable in some senses.

It is something that is created that emerges out of the circumstances of your life and how you choose to engage with those circumstances and the weaving of the story that you're able to create from those circumstances.

To really make use of the idea of destiny requires you to understand that you have a story.

Your life, at least as you understand it, is a story.

that you have told yourself.

There have been circumstances which have occurred, facts, things that are indisputable.

And yet your understanding of each of those events is wrapped up into the story of your life.

And that story is malleable.

Think about it this way.

You could look back into your past, shift your perspective about what happened, and now suddenly the meaning of your life and what happened to you


It's not set in stone.

It's something that you can actually engage with.

The past and memory in and of itself is an ephemeral aspect of our life.

We don't really have a solid grasp on it because the meaning that we ascribe to what happens changes the meaning of the story.

It changes the type of story that you find yourself in.

What ends up happening for most of us is that we end up living our life and building out this story without conscious participation.

It's actually unconscious and mechanical.

And it is that because our family, our civilization, and the human story as a whole has given us a set of values, perspectives, ideas, and circumstances that end up shaping us without our say-so.

We're literally being carved and butchered in a sense by all of these stories that then give us a mechanical perspective.

I didn't like this.

I did like that.

Why did this happen to me?

Why didn't this happen to me?

I wish this would have been this way.

I wish this wouldn't have been this way.

And there's no underlying core thread that helps you manage that story.

It's just about grabbing whatever seems to fit in the moment.

and allowing all of this stuff, all of this imposed stuff to shape your identity, to tell you who you are, and to tell you even how to feel about your life story.

And that, my friends, is the pathway of fate.

That is how you get stuck living a life that you did not choose.

Well, destiny asks us to do one thing primarily, and that is to understand that the only story we have come here to live is our own.

and that our greatest gift to the world is to become who we actually are.

And one of the most useful elements to grasp about all of this is that your story, regardless of however you choose to weave it, is being woven into a larger story.

That is an inescapable reality.

Your story is a sub-story inside the story of life on this planet, inside the story of humanity.

Inside the story of civilization, inside the story of your family.

And all of that is happening concurrently.

So there are threads being woven through the fabric of your life that you have to take as a conscious weaver and wrap into what ends up becoming your destiny.

And so the core function of someone who is living their life aligned with destiny is simple.

And that is to learn to weave a conscious story.

to become a conscious weaver of your story.

And that means being able to first choose the cosmology that your story is existing within.

And so cosmology is really just an understanding of how the world works.

It is a worldview.

Is your worldview actually aligned with auspiciousness?

Is it a worldview that is life-affirming, that puts your context, you and your life

into a larger framework in a way that has meaning and purpose.

And more so, what connects you to meaning and purpose?

What helps you feel as if there is a continuity in your story?

That your life picks up where something else leaves off.

That you are contributing to the greater story arc in a way that is substantial and that has a purpose.

And it's essential to grasp that

Destiny contains in it meaning and purpose amongst many other elements and layers because meaning and purpose are about your role and your function in the larger whole.

You are a cell inside the body of the world and every single cell in the body has a function.

Each individual cell

lives for itself and can even survive on its own if taken outside the body for a period of time.

And yet in that functioning for themselves, they contribute to the life of the organism in question.

And that is what meaning and purpose actually are.

They are functions, they are roles that you were born to do.

And your life has been preparing you to do those things.

It has been giving you the skills you need, the challenges required to shape and mold you to do what's required.

It's been giving you the love, the inspiration, the spontaneous desire to want to do things that are a part of that purpose.

You don't have to try to find it.

It's already there.

Normally what happens

These days is that our purpose is simply something that we are trained out of knowing, because we often know it already.

And yet there are layers and layers and layers of us being told that it's not that.

But when you find your innate meaning and purpose, then you simply start to weave into the fabric of life.

And you know that that's what you're here to contribute.

And this is one of the paradoxes of this work, because even though you have come here to be you,

and that what the fabric of life really requires is for you to step into your totality.

We do that through understanding that we are being woven into a larger tapestry.

And it is that magic and medicine that's missing from that tapestry that it is in bringing out this essence of you that you're able to contribute to a truly beautiful whole.

And this is why so many people struggle with being able to find their innate, inborn, spontaneously emerging meaning and purpose.

It's because it can't be found in isolation.

It actually requires you to consciously engage with the calls that life has been given out to you.

Asking you to move into your circumstances, into

your challenges, into your limitations, into your wounds, and from them to extract a deeper understanding of why they were given to you, what you can do with them, why they are present in your life.

And from there, from that gold, we get the thread that becomes a part of the weaving.

And the way that we end up doing the actual weaving

is with our gifts.

It's with our natural inborn gifts, tendencies, and the things that we love to do.

It is through this conscious engagement with the story of our life and choosing what the cosmology of our story is, as well as how our life fits into the greater story arc, then moving into the calls that life has been giving us in order to feel into

Destiny in and of itself is a frequency.

It is an attractor.

So this frequency

has a pattern and that pattern starts to organize and cohere the circumstances of your life around it like the star at the center of a solar system.

Everything starts to revolve around it.

So when you have the right technology, the right tools to tap into destiny, which I will be giving on this channel over time, then destiny becomes this star, this north star.

This simultaneously allows us to align our compass and that through its frequency becomes an attractor which pulls everything else along with it so that you can continuously orientate back towards this frequency and that that can lead you towards this conscious ongoing process of cultivation.


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