Developing Your Authentic Authority

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For those of us who are called to the path of the golden thread, understanding, inhabiting, and embodying your authentic authority is one of the most important aspects of the path to devote yourself to.

The reason for that is that our authentic authority is the power that we have to bring into the world

in order to help shift it in the direction that is aligned with the soul's purpose, with the soul's calling, with our destiny.

Each of us is unique and we're all gifted with a different set of talents and skills and capacities.

And we come to this world with those innate abilities in order to help complete the creation that we find ourselves in.

This is how we give back, this is how we step into, this is how we contribute to the whole.

It's a lot like being a cell in a body.

and a cell in a body has a particular type of function and there are different types of cells.

There are heart cells and nerve cells and stomach cells and bone cells and each of them have both the archetypal function of cellular life and unique predispositions that allow it to accomplish tasks that only it can do.

And this is the same for us.

We have come here to do tasks that only we can do.

And this is where the aspect of authentic comes in.

Authentic being something that doesn't have to be coerced, doesn't have to be massaged, doesn't have to be constructed.

It's there.

It's innate and present and spontaneously arising in the fabric of your being.

and authority.

Authority is the place in reality in which we are capable of acting with that authenticity.

And we all have different domains in which we are called to act within and to express power upon.

A soldier who is actually an alignment with destiny in the context of being a warrior is someone who has taken their gifts and who have aligned them with the resonance, with the frequency of battle.

and they have come to understand that domain of reality.

That is where their magic most clearly expresses itself.

And what that means is that that person's ability to act within the domain of war carries more weight, carries more momentum, carries more capacity than someone whose authentic authority does not express itself in the context of battle and war.

Not only is that person expressing their innate gifts, but they've also cultivated those talents through study, through training, through experience.

And now, when it comes to that domain of reality, they can clearly express power in a way that actually creates the change that we want in that moment.

The same could be said about someone who has come to this world to help others heal.

Could be a physician, could be a therapist, it could be a health educator.

Someone with the innate talent of unifying, of bringing together, of mending, of creating coherence and connection inside of a system, all of which are aspects of real healing and health work.

And if that person goes through what they have to, to cultivate their authentic authority, then they have the ability to express healing magic in the world.

And by magic, I don't necessarily mean spell weaving in the classical sense that most people think of when this word magic is said.

More so, the ability to create change in reality that is in accordance with one's will or desire.

And if someone is a healer, then they desire to help people come together, to mend

to connect, to unify, to make whole.

And as someone comes to you and they are in need of that, then you can express that authentic authority and make it so.

And this is the way of the cell in the body.

A heart cell desires to be a heart cell.

A lung cell desires to be a lung cell.

A bone cell desires to be a bone cell.

And this is why talent and love and innate gifts that spontaneously emerge without needing to be massaged and coerced into being is the path of the golden thread.

Because what you love to do innately is what you came here to do because it is the function that you were designed for.

And as we take that design and as we cultivate talents to the level of craft, then we develop authentic authority in the world and we can act with true power that is divinely expressed

And when we do this, we consciously contribute to the harmonic order of the world.

When we act outside of our authentic authority, we breed chaos.

Although chaos in and of itself is ordered.

And thus what ends up happening is that we feed into the greater order of the world unconsciously.

And The Path of The Golden Thread is one of conscious engagement with the greater harmonic order of the world that we have come here to contribute to.

And even though reality will have its due and the order and the chaos will work themselves out in the end, for the individual soul, being consciously aware of the order that we came here to contribute to generally creates a much more meaningful and fulfilling life than unconsciously working through the debts, so to speak, that are made through the process of living.

Because this world that we exist within is one of give and take.

Many indigenous traditions call this world a marketplace because it is a place of exchange where one state of energy is transforming into another state.

And we act within that, in part at least, through our authentic authority or lack thereof.

And the more that we act out of alignment with our authentic authority, the more damage we take, the harder it is, the less efficient and effective our actions are.

But if we can act within authentic authority, then we can help bring the world to a deeper sense of beauty.


Fate, Family Ties and Christmas Trees


Cultivating Talent to The Level of Craft