The House of Vitality

A Deep Dive into Masculine Hormones & Their Cultivation

The House of Vitality truly is a deep dive into testosterone and its metabolites! It is practical, presented in everyday language, and you will be able to apply what you learn here to your life. These hormones are the core of “organic masculinity” - not cultural masculinity, not societal; not gender- or role-based; nor learned or indoctrinated masculinity. It is the androgens that masculinize in nature!

This is what you find in “The House of Vitality”….

+How to know “without a test”, if your T levels are solid or not. This puts the ability to monitor progress, consistently into your hands.

+Men have a “cycle” too, it is just different than a women's.

+How to train for testosterone (with the best of them) even if you have injuries and high mileage on your joints.

+The basics, in simple straightforward language of how testosterone is made in your body.

+How testosterone is so much more than just a "sex hormone" and why it really is an "engaged with life" hormone.

+Over 20+ unique and powerful ways to directly support testosterone that do not require exercise, or pharmaceuticals.

+Why a multifaceted approach works best.

+How a lot of the “macho rah rah” rhetoric can actually interfere with healthy testosterone levels by asking you to prioritize the wrong things.

+If you do want will get two options that are WAY BETTER than TRT.

+How increasing testosterone can drastically increase your sex drive and libido, and shorten your “refractory period” after sex.

+How to avoid critical mistakes that will drastically slow down your progress, and make this work more difficult than it needs to be. Really THIS ALONE is worth the price of the course.

+How to actually exercise if increasing testosterone is your goal. Training for hormonal release is different than training for strength, power, endurance, performance...or whatever. There are protocols that work extremely well for this goal. Chances are you are not taking full advantage of this modality. Tip: it is not all about squats and dead lifts.

+How testosterone makes you more resilient and makes you enjoy challenges.

+How the mind and emotions will either support your ability to create testosterone or suppress them. The secret is...the world is structured in such a way today, to purposely lower your testosterone levels.

+How to avoid the trap of being hormonally emasculated without becoming needlessly domineering.

+A variety of simple ways to connect to the “intelligence” of your genitals.

+Powerful energetic and somatic practices for bringing more aliveness to the genitals. We do this with intelligent massage protocols, focused internal awareness and intention.

+Understand the in's and out's of how testosterone is actually impacting your whole life.

+Why testosterone is critical for a driven, and ambitious zest for life.

+Know which nutrients can actually make an impact in your testosterone levels and which foods are actually helpful.

+Learn how stress, nutrient deficiencies, and other lifestyle factors create “bottlenecks”, that limit how much T you can make over an extended period of time.

The Core Structure of The Class

+The sequence of this class will be presented in a sequential manner that starts with the origin of the material presented, which begins with “my personal story”, and what it can teach you about testosterone. You will learn how testosterone is impacting you as an individual.

+From there we branch out into the collective. Intriguingly, understanding our own testosterone levels ask us to step out from the personal, so we can understand its broad biological influence, and how our own testosterone levels “right now” are being affected by collective issues and evolutionary mechanisms.

+We then will explore the energetic, mental and emotional aspects of testosterone on both personal and collective levels, and begin the work of “alchemizing” these elements together to create better hormonal responsiveness and more vitality.

+Finally we dive into the “meat” of the class and explore a host of tools that any man can use to start improving their hormonal situation. There will be a deep dive into such a variety of skills and tactics, that regardless of your constitution or starting point, there will be something for you. From how to cycle herbs specifically for T, to direct testicular practices, to physical training that is directed exclusively towards ramping up male hormones. We then take this vitality and extend out into the world.

Class One - At The Gateway

Class Two- The Ethereal and Energetic

Class Three- The Yin Path to More Testosterone

The largest benefits from this class will be to help you to avoid errors & costly mistakes, and the intelligent adoption of certain protocols

Class Four -The Yang Path to More Testosterone

What it is…

+A hybrid four-part class, each held live on Zoom.

+Pre-recorded instructional materials sent out a week before the live class.

+Each class will last be 90-minutes.
+Q&As will be held at each class.
+Each class will be held every approximately every two weeks for a total of two months.

What you get…

+Four live classes on Zoom (downloadable).

+Pre-recorded instructional materials supporting the live class talks (downloadable).

+Four Q&As where you can ask all your questions.
+Written out protocols and abbreviated notes of some of the tools/tactics, as needed to support ease.

What It Is Not

+Diagnostic in any way. I will not be diagnosing anyone with “low T”.

+Prescriptive in any way. I cannot prescribe anything to you.

+A replacement for medical care if and when it is required.

+Indoctrination into any idea of what a “real man” is….I dislike that language, and find it demeaning to honest men wanting to improve their lives and be of better service to the world.

When and Where?

+At 4:30 EST, on Tuesdays.

+Zoom will be the place.

+The Dates: Starts on May 2nd

Then May 16th, May 30th, June 13th

The cost is a one-time payment of $175.00

Yes, I want to enter into The House of Vitality!

Registration closes on April 30th.

You will receive an email, a day before the first live class, with the needed steps to connect to the live and relevant materials.